Once two strangers climbed ol' Rocky Top
Lookin' for a moonshine still
Strangers ain't come down from Rocky Top
Reckon they never will
Corn won't grow at all on Rocky Top
Dirt's too rocky by far
That's why all the folks on Rocky Top
Get their corn from a jar
Tuh-Tennessee sup sup from the Hogs. Second edition of Hogs at Summer’s End 7 v 7 in Nashville at Ted Rhodes. This is false advertising, Summer is nowhere near over, we demand a refund.
Hedgehogs 🦔 finished 3-1 - only loss came in the bracket - not so bad but no t-shirts for the boys.
Your Summer’s Never Over, you live in Florida now MVPs are…
Tourney MVP: Red Edwards - Defense (Hoss Lyfe)
Offense MVP: Jack Spallone - Attack (Only one “t” from glory)
Defense MVP: Mark Destro - Goalkeeper
Next up is the Charleston Holy City Classic in SC. Maybe you’ll be there, maybe you’ll… buy a hat.
Hogs and some dirty laundry 🧺…